Race 2 is an upcoming Bollywood action thriller film directed by Abbas-Mustan and produced under the Tips Music Films banner and is the first major release of the year. It is the sequel to the 2008 hit film, Race, and stars an ensemble cast that includes Anil Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan reprising their roles as Robert D'Costa and Ranveer Singh from the previous film while Deepika Padukone, John Abraham, Jacqueline Fernandez and Ameesha Patel are new additions to the cast. Bipasha Basu will reprise her role of Sonia in a special appearance. The first trailer of Sajid Khan's Himmatwala will be released with the film. Unlike the first film, which got an 'A' certificate from the Central Board of Film Certification, Race 2 is expected to receive a 'U/A' certificate from the CBFC, as stated by Saif Ali Khan. Race 2 is scheduled to release on 25th January 2013.
Race 2 Cast
Anil Kapoor as Robert D'Costa (RD)
Saif Ali Khan as Ranveer Singh
John Abraham as Armaan Malik
Deepika Padukone as Elena
Jacqueline Fernandez as Omisha
Ameesha Patel as Cherry
Rajesh Khattar as Vikram Thapar
Bipasha Basu as Sonia (Cameo Appearance)
Johny Lever
Atif Aslam as Himself (Song Appearance)
Saif Ali Khan as Ranveer Singh
John Abraham as Armaan Malik
Deepika Padukone as Elena
Jacqueline Fernandez as Omisha
Ameesha Patel as Cherry
Rajesh Khattar as Vikram Thapar
Bipasha Basu as Sonia (Cameo Appearance)
Johny Lever
Atif Aslam as Himself (Song Appearance)
Race 2 Critical Reception
IBN Live gave the soundtrack four stars of five saying, "Race 2's soundtrack is racy to the core. In a nutshell, the album is bound to be a hit. Let's just hope the movie is as good as the soundtrack is!" Shresht Poddar, of Score Magazine, gave the album three out of five stars saying, "Personally, as a standalone album with no biases, it is enjoyable but it could have done with better lyrics. The tracks are foot-tapping and they would appeal to the masses. But if you compare it to Race, the album undoubtedly falls flat." Goku, of IndiBeats! included the album in the 'average' category commenting that "No doubt Pritam has worked on the album well, there is a fair deal of DJing done, but something is amiss and hence the album is worth a hear, nothing more.
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